Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Joey!

Today was a busy day. First, and most important, it was Joseph's 5th Birthday. We went out to dinner, had ice cream cake and opened presents! He had such a blast. The one thing he really wanted was a subskate for the pool - so he got it, how could we resist that enthusiasm. He had such a great day rock climbing that he was exhausted and went to bed.

Once Joey was in bed, we started making our way through the list again. We realized that there is paperwork that needs to be redone and re- apostilled. For those unfamiliar with the term apostille (I was too), this is a certification at the Dept of State validating the notary information on a document. It is needed for documents going to certain foreign countries. Some states like Colorado only charge $2 per document and others like Florida charge $10 per document. So any way... we are getting these documents done one by one. I feel like we could literally drown in the paperwork with as many original copies as well as multiple copies of almost every document we did the first time!

One of the most difficult documents to get was from our mortgage company. I think it took us something like 3 tries to get it right the first time around. That was only after calling the CEOs office and asking for help. Well, the document we sent in with our dossier expires in Oct. The good news is that tonight we came across a copy of one we actually received after we submitted our dossier, dated Dec 8th. We are going to use that copy, send if for apostille and call it quites on that one. We are so glad we don't have to go through the mess of requesting another one!

We also completed our 2 photo albums for the trip. One is for the Children's Hospital staff to show them about our family and home and then one for the judge. Many of the pictures date back more than a year ago, but are fun pictures of the boys and family events. The boys will enjoy looking through this as well.

We don't have any additional updates on travel, but will keep posting on our progress along the way. At this point I am on a countdown of 48 days to possible travel - but not holding my breath for that specific date.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying your updates. Keep them coming. A belated happy birthday to Joey.
