Ok, so we all say we could live without a little technology. . . we get mad at our computers when they don't run right. . . we think, "who needs the IT guys anyway". . . well I'm here to tell you that half way around the world, we need 'em all! We lost internet connection on Sunday morning (or sometime during the night) for who knows what reason. Dave went out to the local stores and managed to buy a new router/modem combo that even had instructions in English. We connected everything according to the instructions, and still nothing. One of the other guys here is an "IT guy". We called on him, but unfortunately it was something in the internet connection itself. He was great though, we went to their cottage and he hooked us up on Skype so we could at least talk to the boys and then we connected to their internet and downloaded some emails. Today one of the local "internet gurus" came out and in less than 10 minutes had our wireless up and running again. Thank you, we are reconnected!
The toughest part about not having internet was not being able to connect with the boys and family at home. They all missed seeing Kathryn on Skype for the past 2-3 days. We will be talking to them in a few minutes and can't wait.
Kathryn is doing great. She is sleeping around 6-9 hours per night. She is not napping much, but seems to be doing fine with that. She has been used to sleeping on her stomach at the hospital and we are trying to break that and have her on her back. However, I set her down for a nap this afternoon on her stomach and she has slept for almost 3 hours - catching up I guess.
We have been enjoying the company of three other adoptive families now in Kokshetau for their bonding periods. One couple is her in the cottage with us. L and M are here for their second adoption. The other two couples are in the other cottage across town. They are both first time parents. It is exciting to see so many families here at once - it is a great thing for these children!
The other families will be heading home the first week of November. We will still have another 8-10 days after that until we head to Almaty. We are 5 days into our 15 day waiting period! We have been gone from home for 9 days. We know this time is long for family and friends at home waiting for us to bring Kathryn home. It is long for us too, as we miss all of you and are thankful for your blessings on our family.
Quick update on the Internet: Still having problems. I am posting this off of dial-up....