Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Official Days 8 & 9

Yesterday's visit with Kathryn was great. She was alert and playful. She "talked" alot and we could tell she was really enjoying the visit. She continues to get stronger. We are trying to do all the right things to help her build her strength including having her spend time on her tummy, stretching and putting weight on her legs. She is kicking and moving her arms more freely each day. She is even finding the way for her hand to her mouth. She loves to suck on her index finger!

Today was a very quiet visit. Just when we thougtht she was feeling better, she was not today. She was crying when we got there. She was warm and fussy. She was still adorable! It was just a different side we had not seen over the past week. Kathryn really just wanted to be cuddled and held. So of course, we obliged. She slept on and off for most of the visit. We were able to get a few smiles out of her. Not a big picture day - too busy holding her. Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow.

During our visit we took the opportunity to talk to Inna, our interpreter about a few things. We asked for some ideas for gifts for the doctors and then she also filled us in on some of the court proceedings. There is specific information that we need to put into our speech that will be given on the day we go to court on our second visit. They expect the father to do most of the speaking, so Dave is beginning to work on the speech. I will only say a few words unless they ask me any specific questions. Can't wait for this day to come!!

I finally decided to leave some of the toys in her room, rather than carrying them back and forth each day. She has her blanket, links and bunny in her crib already. The other things I just left in the closet. Yesterday we found out her nickname in the hospital has been "princess frog". One of the toys we have is a frog, so Inna thought that was quite appropriate. Frog in Russian is "лягушка" pronounced "lyaGOOSHka". Kathryn just smiles when we say it - it is a familiar word to her.

Winter is setting in here. We are preparing ourselves for the cold we will experience on our second trip. On Sunday am it was 32 degrees and yesterday was in the 40's. Today is a beautiful sunny day - just cold. We spent time after our visit to do some grocery shopping and go to the green market. We will be doing some additional shopping in the next couple of days to get the additional gifts we need for the caregivers and try to find a warm snowsuit for Kathryn for our second trip. I also hope to find a souvenir book of Kokshetau to have as a keepsake.

We miss everyone at home. We again want to thank everyone who is checking in with the boys and willing to help in any way they can! We could not do this without each of you!

Tomorrow we will post on our brief sightseeing trip around town, hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

the Walker's said...

hey I love kathryn's nick name!!!!
I have written it everywhere from my note books to my white board!!!! I am so excited!!!! 1 more week!!!!! miss you,